Thank a Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter

Say thank you to Wendy’s Wonderful Kids adoption professionals for their commitment to achieving the vision that every child will have a permanent home and a loving family.


Conner with his Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter, Jennifer

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THANK YOU!!! You all give me so much hope and inspire me to make more of an impact. I am a former foster child and I felt so alone in the system, knowing you all are helping this cause means the world to me. Thank you!”

– Renee, Foundation supporter, Massachusetts

It is an outstanding way to invest into the community utilizing your time and talent to help children connect with their forever families. As an adopted person, I truly appreciate you and all you do!”

– Jason, Foundation supporter, United States

Thank you for your commitment to finding safe, permanent, loving homes for children waiting in foster care. Your work is so meaningful and important. Thank you for all that you do to help build families through Wendy’s Wonderful Kids!”

– Cindy, Foundation supporter, Illinois
