
Building a Family from Around the Globe

The Baus family (from left): Sena, Deborah, Judah, Jeremy, Zoe and Raji

When Jeremy Baus learned that his new employer, NVIDIA, offered adoption support, “the magnitude and reality of the benefit didn’t sink in,” he says. The global artificial intelligence company offers all full- and part-time employees unlimited financial aid to cover the cost of adoption. The company also provides up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave to parents welcoming an adopted child into their home.

Prior to joining NVIDIA, Jeremy and his wife, Deborah, of North Carolina, had been working with an adoption agency in China to add to their family of five. Jeremy was able to submit the receipts he saved, and the company covered the costs associated with the adoption of their daughter, Zoe.

“It was amazing to see NVIDIA’s commitment to family,” Jeremy says. “We have been involved in the adoption community for a long time, and so often, the financials are the barrier for most people. If one of those things is removed, what a difference it makes for families wanting to give kids in need a loving home.”

Jeremy and Deborah had always dreamed of having a big family and were open to the many ways that could happen. Before Zoe, the couple adopted two toddlers from Ethiopia – a boy and a girl – who had been together since birth. Raji and Sena, now age 10, are thriving in fourth grade. The family also adopted their other son, Judah, in the United States.

Jeremy and Deborah chose to adopt because they wanted to build a loving family in a way that reflected their values. “We aren’t going to solve the worldwide orphan crisis, but we can bring children into a loving home,” he says. “We have room in our home, and in our hearts.”

For anyone considering adoption, Jeremy says, “prepare yourself, but don’t be afraid – just go for it. There is uncertainty no matter what, but find a community that believes in adoption, and you will find your way. People will offer the support you need.”

NVIDIA was the top-ranked organization on the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption’s Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces list in 2018 and 2019.
