Aging Out of Foster Care: Keith’s Story

Posted on July 22, 2024

Keith’s childhood was filled with instability and uncertainty. Abandoned by his mother, Keith lived the first three years of his life in foster care before moving in with his biological father. However, due to neglect, Keith was placed back into the system at 14. Sadly, he spent the next several yea

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Forming Unbreakable Bonds Toward Hope and Healing: Preston’s Story

Posted on June 26, 2024

South Carolina — Preston was placed in foster care after experiencing abuse as his biological mother struggled with substance use. After being in foster care for a short time, he was adopted by a family in Nebraska who moved to South Carolina.   Sadly, the trauma that Preston had experienc

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The Love and Support of Family: Samantha’s Story

Posted on January 10, 2024

Ohio — Born with health challenges that required a triple organ transplant, Samantha was placed into foster care as an infant due to medical neglect. Her biological family was unable to care for her complex needs. And for the next 14 years, Samantha moved in and out of foster homes. Thankfully, ever

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The Power of Adoption Benefits at Bank of America: Felicia’s Story

Posted on November 27, 2023

Felicia, an executive in the Expansion Markets Division at Bank of America, started her adoption journey almost six years ago. She and her partner, Ruth, had contemplated adoption for several years but had never found the right time. Everything changed when they were introduced to three sisters who

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How Walmart Supported Julia’s Adoption Journey

Posted on November 13, 2023

In 2021, Julia, a Walmart Store Coach, lost her daughter in a car accident. Her daughter was a single mother to a 4-year-old boy, and Julia’s immediate thought was to care for him. Within 24 hours of hearing about the accident, Julia and her husband filed for emergency guardianship to care for their

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Love Makes A Family: Isaiah, Jordan and Sophia’s Story

Posted on November 3, 2023

Texas — For more than three years, Isaiah, Jordan and Sophia lingered in foster care after enduring physical abuse and neglect as their biological parents struggled with substance use. The siblings bounced from house to house, often separated from one another. “When I was in foster care, I had a lot

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Every Child Deserves A Permanent Family: Kenya’s Story

Posted on October 4, 2023

Texas — At age 6, Kenya was placed in foster care due to abuse and neglect. After lingering in care for nine long years, she worried she would never have a permanent family.   “At one point, they said that I was going to max out in foster care, and I didn’t want that,” shared

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Building Trust and an Unbreakable Bond: Merriah’s Story

Posted on September 11, 2023

New York — Merriah was placed in foster care when she was 6 years old after enduring abuse and neglect. For nine long years, she moved between multiple foster homes and her mother’s home. As the years went by, Merriah lost hope that she would ever have a permanent family.   “I didn’t thin

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Better Together: Hailey, Jayden, Alexis and Jase’s Story

Posted on June 23, 2023

Kentucky — For nearly two years, siblings Hailey, Jayden, Alexis and Jase lingered in foster care after experiencing abuse and neglect. They longed for a permanent place to call home where they could grow up together.  That’s when Jayden bravely reached out to someone he trusted — his fifth-gra

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